The World's best CLOSER appearring live in metro DC June22-24, 2021
See the Great Dave Yoho with his team of the Top Rated "IN-HOME CLOSERS" in the World live in Metro DC June 22-24, 2021

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"How To Close The Sale .com"

Featuring Tommy Steele
"America's Favorite Home Improvemt Salesperson"
is now a "Featured Expert" in REPLACEMENT CONTRACTOR ONLINE !

Super Sales Training HERE NOW!

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How To Close The Sale .com 

because if you can't close you can't sell!




Thank you  Dave Yoho Associates!


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Dave Yoho
Mr. Dave Yoho
"The Science of Successful In-Home Selling"
Special Offer!
Click here for details!

At How To Close The
 you get instant online access to persuasive strategies that  advance your agenda. What do you want to say or sell? Proven accomplishments span a 25 year history. These techniques will help your prospect take favorable action, not procrastination!

HEAR IT NOW! Learn "How To Close The Sale"
Tommy Steele, creator of How To Close The

Do you need to "make your case" known to decision makers?
Have you struggled to find the right way to say what you need to say?
Whether it's help scripting a statement to the media, or creating an effective persuasive strategy the experts here can help. Your message is too important to leave anything to chance. Contact the experts here NOW.

Tommy Steele VIDEO "Basic Closing Techniques"
Tommy Steele VIDEO "Basic Closing Techniques"
Welcome Back!
Tommy Steele on video
explains "Basic Closing Techniques"

Be sure to visit this site for more information about closing the sale!

Hot new video from Tommy Steele!
"Sophisticated Sales Concepts
 For Serious Sales Professionals"

Tommy Steele "Sophisticated Sales Concepts For Serious Sales Professionals"
Anytime you need to present your facts, situation
and the outcome really matters, it's time to contact the experts
at How To Close The Sale .com!

New audio greeting HERE!
Media inquiries welcomed!
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Contact us we are glad to help!

Home imprpvement sales expert Tommy Steele
Tommy Steele "America's Favorite Home Improvement Salesperson"

Do you know how to close the sale? Check out  one of the world's top sales closers Tommy Steele.

Selling in the home? Selling on the phone? Face to face? Selling to a group or to an individual?

Utilize the power of human emotions to work for you!

Are you planning a Sales Meeting? Conference?? Have Sales Personality Tommy Steele host the event adding value making it a learning experience that will have a positive impact on your sales goals!!!

In-Home sales? Selling in the home? One call close?

If you know what these terms mean then you also may be interested in learning...

5 essential elements of a
 sales presentation!



Essential Elements of an In-Home Sales Presentation

 by  Tommy Steele

Copyright 1986-2019 All Rights Reserved

1. The process formerly known as       "warm up"
Here's where the in-home sales professional attempts to remove the innate fear of salespeople that my be present in the mind of the prospect. Frequently this can be accomplished through the use of a properly worded survey or questionairre or the actual walking of the job (inspection). It is imperative that the prospect view the in-home sales professional, not as a hired gun high pressure mercenary, but as an industry professional.

2. Establish credibility/ The company story/ credentials

The time and place to address /remove diminish the "I want to check you out" objection or stall, is before it becomes a fatal objection at the end of the presentation. The timing of the presentation mandates that this, as with all other salient, important information be presented to the prospect in a manner that easily allows them to internalize these ideas and concepts as their own.

3. Eliminate multiple alternatives
Here's where the prospect's decision must be narrowed down to a simple "dichotomy of choice" When the prospect began the information gathering/purchasing process they may have been considering option A, B, C, D and so forth. The goal here is to reduce the amount of alternatives the prospect may be considering to either YOUR PRODUCT/ SERVICE being the ultimate in service value and quality or all others being the ultimate form of deception, danger and fraud!

4. Build value
Using a comparison presentation the in-home sales professional shows the features and resulting benefits UNIQUE to their particluar product or service

5. Create urgency
In many cases the best presentation to qualified prospects will amount to a tragic waste of time and resources unless the deal is closed. There is a popular quote that says: "if you can't close, then you can't sell" REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE WILL USUALLY SEEK WAYS TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACTION OR INACTION!!!!!

These five steps have improved the earning power of many sales professionals. These five steps are time tested over the course of over sixty years. Most importantly the manner in which these steps are performed is the actual key to sales success! Using sales techniques developed in 1974 will at best, get you a "1974 paycheck". This information was developed after thousands of in-home sales presentations from 1986 TO THE PRESENT!  I ought to know because my name is Tommy Steele "America's Favorite Home Improvement Salesperson" as well as "one of the top phone pros from the East Coast"!

Good Luck out there and Good Selling!

The world's best closer, The great Dave Yoho

By popular demand

How To Close The

is proud to share this exclusive offer. Now you can own THE closing guide by which all others are judged.

Dave Yoho's "Closing The Sale"

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Closing The Sale on CD

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for state of the art closing skills

Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 ,2016, 2017 & 2018

How To Close The Sale .com

All Rights Reserved

Hello and thanks for your visit!
Tommy Steele would like to personally thank Dave & Brad Yoho
for all the help and encouragement!